​H I G H S E A S . T V


Alen Milic is the founder of High Seas Productions and has been working as a Producer/D.O.P. in film and television for over 20 years. He has wide ranging experience in producing documentary, sports and travel projects for TV; news reporting from war zones; ENG camera work in harsh environments around the world and various studio filming; linear and non-linear editing and photography.

As the owner and operator of Arctic Jungle Films, High Seas TV and Endangered Islands Expedition, Alen has created, produced and filmed numerous TV programs that have been licensed to broadcasters worldwide (Discovery Intl., OLN, Travel UK, etc.).
An accomplished offshore sailor, AlenÂ’s ancestral connection and passion for the sea and deep interest in island cultures is what inspired the idea for new projects: "SeaRover julis - A TransAtlantic Voyage", "Papa Earth-Rangi Sky" and "Pirates Attack!!!".
Beside projects produced by High Seas TV, Alen is involved in numerous projects as a freelance D.O.P. and Photographer,
an Advisor or a Producer.
"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes."
– Marcel Proust